Rules + Regulations

Please find set out below the rules and regulations for the Global Dance and Cheer Games.  
In an effort to maintain the integrity and professionalism of The Global Games,
we require agreement to the following.  It is our goal to offer a positive event where good sportsmanship
is the major theme, and all rules and safety rules are followed. We strive to uphold the highest standards
and promote this to the best of our abilities, and believe that coaches/advisors/directors are instrumental
in promoting and instilling this among their respective team members. 

Please refer to the Cheerbrandz Handbook For rules and regulations found HERE


Cheer - The global games will follow the 23-25 IASF cheerleading rules.
For more Information refer to the cheer rules, Click Here

Dance - The Global Games will follow the 2023-2025
IASF Dance Legality Rules for dance. 
For more information refer to the Dance rules click here. 
Dance Glossary can be found here


Cheer - Approximate floor size for cheer will be 54 feet wide by 42 feet deep (9 strips, spring floor).

Dance - Approximate floor size for dance will be 12m wide by 10m deep (8 strips marley floor)

General -  (a) Participants must start and end in the competition area and may line
up anywhere inside the competition area to begin their
routine. The competition area will be determined by the tournament
director according to the size of the facility being used.

*Exception - Dancers may choose to start of the floor.

(b) All skills must originate and be completed within the competition boundary.
No lineups, skills, or transitions are allowed outside of the competition boundary.
The competition boundary is defined as the actual competition floor/spring floor,
the carpet bonded foam panels that connect to the spring floor, and
any additional border that supports/surrounds the floor.

(c) A deduction will be assessed per occurrence for an athlete that makes contact outside
the competition boundary. Stepping on, or just past the boundary tape is not a boundary violation.

(d) If a sign or prop is thrown outside the performing area, that team will receive a
deduction for each violation. Signs or props may be placed or dropped outside the performing
area by a team member who must remain inside the performing area. 


Total Routine Length - Routine performance time may not exceed 2:30*.
There should not be any organized exits or other activities after the official ending of the routine. 
If a team exceeds the time limit, a penalty will be assessed for each violation.
Because penalties are severe, it is recommended that all teams time their performance
several times prior to attending the competition and leave a several second
cushion to allow for variations in sound equipment. 
*Dance Doubles time may not exceed 1:30.
*Non-Tumble routines may not exceed 2min.

Entrance and Exit - Teams are encouraged to move
on and off the floor as quickly as possible.
Timing will begin with the first movement, voice, or note of music, whichever comes first.
Timing will end with the last movement, last voice, or note of music, whichever comes last.  
All introductions (tumbling, entrances, chants, spell-outs, etc.) are considered part of the
routine and are timed as part of the performance.  Introductions, spell-outs and/or organized
entrances are considered part of the routine and are timed as part of the performance.
All participants should walk/spirit onto the floor and immediately start their routine after
placement of any props. Coaches are not allowed on the performance surface before or after the
performance unless they are active spotters for the routine. 
Violation to any of these policies could result in a Penalty. 


MP3 Device/Mobile - Music may be played via a Mobile.
We highly suggest that a coach plays the music for your team and not a participant. 
This person will be asked to hold onto their own music until the time of performance
and to take music back following the performance.

Music Interruption -If the fault is due to event equipment or team's music failure -
the coach will have to decide within 2 minutes if they would like to perform again.
Judging will resume at the point where the music was interrupted. The team will be required
to take the stage immediately for the 2nd performance.

Copyright Compliant - Any music used should have the correct licensing and be compliant
with all copyright law.  Violations of this rule may mean the team could be liable under
US copyright laws and could result in heavy fines of $150,000 per occurrence.  Because penalties are severe,
it is recommended that all teams use original music that complies with US copyright law.


The Global Dance and Cheer Games will follow Cheerbrandz Image policy which can be found here.

Cover Up Guideline –- Athletes with non-full top uniforms must wear a t-shirt
or other suitable cover up over their uniforms unless they are in the warm-up area,
traveling as a group directly to or from the warm up area, or on the performance stage.

Appropriate Choreography — All facets of a performance/routine, including both
choreography and music selection, should be appropriate and
suitable for family viewing and listening. 
Judges reserve the right to assess warnings and / or deductions when a
team’s choreography does not meet the appropriate standards.

Makeup — Makeup should be uniform and appropriate for both the performance and
the age of the athletes. Face/eyelid rhinestones are not allowed. False eyelashes are
allowed but may not be decorated in rhinestones or additional jewelry.

Bows — Bows should not be excessive in size
(acceptable bows are generally no more than 3”in width)
and shouldn’t be a distraction to the performance. Bows should be worn in a manner to
minimize risk for the participants, should be adequately secured and should not fall over the
forehead into the participants’ eyes, or block the view of the participant while performing.

General Uniform Guidelines — No risqué, sexually provocative or lingerie looking or
inspired uniform or garments allowed. All uniform pieces should adequately cover an athlete
and must be secured to eliminate any possible wardrobe malfunction. Appropriate
undergarments must be worn. In addition to the below specific guidelines, athletes also
must consider that a combination of uniform pieces may also deem a uniform appropriate or inappropriate.  
ALL garments must properly cover the athlete and the athlete’s undergarments during the routine.

Uniform Skirt/Short Guidelines — When a skirt is worn as part of the uniform,
briefs under the skirt are required. The skirt must fully cover the hips.
The skirt must completely cover the briefs and must fall 1 inch below the briefs (regular and boy-cut briefs).
When shorts are worn as part of the uniform, there must be a minimum of a 2” inseam.

Uniform Top Guidelines — Uniform tops may not include an exposed midriff
(crop top) except when worn by athletes in Senior or open divisions.
Uniform tops must be secured by straps or material over at least one shoulder
or around the neck (tube tops are not allowed).


The Global Dance and Cheer Games will follow the
USASF Recommendation for Routine Interruption Due to Injury guidelines.

UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES - If, in the opinion of the competition officials,
a team’s routine is interrupted because of failure of the competition equipment, facilities,
or other factors attributable to the competition rather than the team, the team affected
or competition officials may stop the routine. The degree and effect of the interruption
will be determined by the competition officials. The competition officials will determine
if the team will be allowed to perform at a later time. If decided by officials, the team
will perform the routine again in its entirety, but will be evaluated ONLY from the point
where the interruption occurred. The spot in the schedule where the re-performance
is to take place is at the sole discretion of competition officials.

FAULT OF TEAM - In the event a team’s routine is interrupted because of failure
of the team’s own representative, equipment and/or music, the team must continue the routine.
The degree and effect of the interruption will be determined by the competition officials
and a possible penalty will be assessed. The competition officials will determine if the team
will be allowed to perform at a later time. If decided by officials, the team will perform
the routine again in its entirety, but will be evaluated ONLY
from the point where the interruption occurred.
The spot in the schedule where the re-performance is to take
place is at the sole discretion of competition officials.


1. The only persons that may stop a routine for injury are: competition officials,
the gym owner/head coach or an injured individual.

2. The competition officials will determine if the team will be allowed to perform at a later time.
If the competition officials allow a routine to be performed at a later time, the spot in the schedule
where the re-performance is to take place is at the sole discretion of competition officials.
If permitted to perform again the team must (pending the injury’s impact on the routine)
perform the routine again in its entirety, but will be evaluated
ONLY from the point where the interruption occurred.

 3. If a team needs to re-perform the routine in its entirety, (example: throwing a back
tuck instead of the full twist thrown in the original performance) then this team will receive a
four-point (4.0) penalty AND receive a score based on the lower level performance.

 4. The injured participant that wishes to perform may not return to the competition floor unless:

(a) The competition officials receive clearance from: first, the medical personnel attending
to that participant, the parent/guardian (if present)
AND THEN the head coach/director of the competing team.

(b) If the medical personnel do not clear the participant, the participant
can only return to the competition if a parent or legal guardian in
attendance signs a return to participation waiver.
(excluding a suspected concussion).

(c) In the event of a suspected concussion, the participant cannot return to perform
without clearance from a licensed medical professional that has training related to head injuries
(medical doctor or designated official specifically trained in concussion management),
even with a waiver from a parent or legal guardian.


All coaches are required to be trained in basic cheerleading techniques, proper skill progression
and safety precautions.  Coaches have an ethical duty to put the interest and safety of all athletes first,
and not to put cheerleaders under any unnecessarily risk.


In an effort to maintain the integrity of the Global Dance and Cheer Games
we ask that all coaches maintain the code of sportsmanship. 
it is our goal to offer a positive event where good
sportsmanship is the major theme, and all rules and safety are followed. 
All participants agree to conduct
themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship throughout
and following the tournament.
The directors, coaches and advisors of each team is responsible for seeing
that team members, coaches, parents and any other persons affiliated
with the team conduct themselves accordingly.
Severe cases of unsportsmanlike conduct are grounds for disqualification
as explained in this document above.


(a) I will support The Global Dance and Cheer Games and
represent my program with integrity, including on all social media.

(b) I understand my position as a role model for my team and will conduct myself
in a professional manner at all times; and I understand that my behavior is subject to
disciplinary action if violated according to the Professional Responsibility Code.

(c) I will display good sportsmanship and require such of my cheerleaders, dancers,
parents/family of performers, including on all social media.


Athletes at The Global Games are expected to exhibit the utmost of sportsmanship,
respect and support throughout the entire event. Teams will be assessed a point penalty
for exhibiting unsportsmanlike, unprofessional, disrespectful and/or unsupportive behavior.
The amount of the penalty will be determined by the competition officials. 
Smoking and the use of alcohol by an athlete is prohibited at any Global Games event location.
An athlete in violation of this rule is subject to immediate disciplinary action. 


Competition Fees:  To secure entry into the competition entry fees
must be paid 30 days prior to registration. 
A late entry fee penalty may be assessed within 10 days
of the competition at $25 per competitor. 
If payment is not received competitors will not be
allowed to compete and teams will be withdrawn from the running order.  
All payments must be made directly to the Global Dance and Cheer Games,
payments made to a third party will not be accepted as payment
unless that third party has paid directly to the Global Dance and Cheer Games. 
Competition fees are non-refundable.

Finality of Decisions: By participating in this championship,
each team agrees that the decisions by the judges will be final and will not be subject for review.
Each team acknowledges the necessity for the judges to make prompt
and fair decisions in this competition and each team therefore
expressly waives any legal, equitable, administrative or procedural review of such decisions.

Tour Cancellations and Refunds:  Cancellations received on or before 28th February, 2025 -
All money will be refunded with the exception of $200USD per person
that will apply to cover hotel and entertainment guarantees.
Cancellations received after 28th February, 2025 will result in a
full forfeiture of all money paid.  All cancellations must be in
writing to the Dance & Cheer Games.
We will not accept cancellations over the phone.

Awards: The Global Games may reward its exceptional
athletes with rings, bags or other apparel. 
This is a special service we like to offer and we may not always have the correct size. 
The Global Dance and Cheer Games will not be liable or
responsible for any costs if the correct size is not available. 
Please be aware athletes will only receive one bag if awarded
and not multiple if they won with multiple teams.


(a) Absolutely NO tape or paint of any kind on any walls, windows or doors.
Be sure your team knows to leave the rooms as they find them (furniture) when they check out.

(b) Illegal substances are prohibited.

(c) We recommend traveling in groups of three or more.

(d) Security will be on site. All participants will have a midnight curfew, a
nd will be asked to show courtesy inkeeping noise levels down.

(e) Quiet time will be from 10 pm-10 am. No practicing is permitted
during these times, no parties outside, no loud music, etc.

(f) Please don’t damage the hotel or competition venues.
You will be charged for any damage and could be removed.

(g) REQUIRED: Every team must have at least one coach, gym owner or responsible
adult for every seven participants staying at the hotel to supervise their team members. 

Early Bird Specials: Early Bird Specials are subject to availability. 
If stocks run out a substitute will be offered where available, no compensation will
be made for unavailability of any offer.  Specials can not be used in conjunction with any other offers and
are not available to Paid Bid winners or Partial Paid Bid winners.  Breakfast and Lunch offers, times and
locations will be advised 2 weeks before the event date, no compensation will be made for no shows.
If you received a One for Three deal this is available for the fourth athlete staying in a quad share room,
no partial paid allowances will be made, and is only available for the 3 event days.

Partial Use Refunds:  No refunds will be given any used portion of the package ie Luau, transfers,
event tickets, competition fees.  Tickets are non-transferable.

Competition & Event Transport: The Global Dance and Cheer Games offers it's Full Package
customers a complimentary transport service to all events that are outside of the Hawaiian Hilton Village. 
The transfer service is a complimentary service offered as part of an overall package and no refunds
will be given for missed transfers or non-use of this service. 

Transfer/Pick-up Liability: Guests are advised to be at pick-up location at least 15 minutes before the bus
departs to prevent delaying other guests on the route. We seek your understanding.
Please also provide a 10 minute grace period for unexpected traffic conditions. In any case,
Global Dance and Cheer Games maximum liability for delayed or missed pickups is
limited to the amount allocated for this package item ($10) .

Force Majeure:  If by means of any event of force majeure (which shall include terrorism,
pandemic or any cause or event outside our control) we shall be delayed in, or prevented from,
performing our obligations, then such delay or non- performance
shall not be deemed a breach or entitle a damages claim.
Our obligations shall be suspended whilst such event of force majeure continues.

The Fine Print: The Global Games is instrumental in bringing about a direct contractual
relationship between you, the customer, and the “principal” (i.e airlines, other transport operators,
accommodation suppliers, event managers and other suppliers).
We try to do our tasks as best as we can and perform our services with reasonable skill and care.
We will not be held liable for any loss, damage or claim arising from acts of defaults outside
the control of the Global Games, its employees or agents, including (but not limited to) the acts or
defaults of actual travel, accommodation and event organisers.